Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Printing with Metallic Paint & Textured Wall Paper on Gelli Arts� Printing Plates!

Hi there! It�s Marsha here, and today I�m going to show you how to make stunning single layer metallic and pearlescent prints with textured wallpaper samples and your Gelli Arts� printing plate!

Most metallic and pearlescent paint colours are transparent or translucent. Any colour that is underneath will show through the paint.

That means if you use a metallic or pearlescent colour to monoprint on white paper, the light background sometimes will make the result appear too subtle.

The solution to make metallic and pearlescent paint colours truly shine is to make sure that there is a darker colour in the background.

You can achieve this by monoprinting a solid colour layer first before moving on to a metallic colour. But you can also opt to print on a dark or coloured paper!

The results are stunning, especially when you use stencils, stamps and mark makers with intricate designs.

I chose to work with textured vinyl wallpaper samples. You can find these in the wallpaper section of most home improvement stores.

Look for samples with a damask, floral or geometric design that have a good even ratio of raised and flat areas.

First, apply a layer of metallic paint on your Gelli Arts� printing plate.  Then cover it with textured wallpaper samples. Mix and match several different wallpaper designs for a fun patchwork effect.  Here I am using an 8x10" Gelli Arts� gel printing plate.

Experiment with different kinds of paper and cardstock. A smooth substrate is best and the higher the density of the paper, the less it absorbs the paint: this will make the metallics shine more.

Try varying the amount of paint on the plate. A small amount that doesn�t cover the Gelli Arts� Gel Printing Plate evenly creates a beautifully distressed look.

And lastly, I found that a metallic paint from one brand acts differently than what seems to be the same hue from another brand. It�s worth trying several brands to see which result you like best!

Metallic prints make beautiful backgrounds, but sometimes they don�t need anything else added. I like to use them to make envelopes, covers for traveller�s notebooks and I use the cutoffs to create cards.

Print with gold, silver or bronze on black or dark tissue paper to make your own super chic gift wrapping paper.

You can also monoprint directly on the cover of a blank notebook.

Cover the Gelli Arts� Gel Printing Plate with the metallic or pearlescent paint of your choice, make marks and then carefully place the closed blank book on the plate.

Roll the book onto the spine and then roll it over to print on the last side of the book.

Fill any spots that were left unprinted with more prints once the cover is dry.

I hope you give Gelli Arts� Gel Printing with metallic and pearlescent paints a try. It�s a fun addition to your monoprinting arsenal!

Enjoy your day!


8" x 10" Gelli Arts� Gel Printing Plate
4" Pop-In Soft Rubber Brayer

Acrylic paint in metallic or pearlescent colours
Coloured paper or cardstock
Textured vinyl wallpaper samples

Optional: blank book, punchinella (sequin waste)

� 2018 by Gelli Arts�, LLC Philadelphia, PA
All rights reserved.
