Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Trip to the Hardware Store with Gelli Arts�

Hello and Welcome to the Gelli Arts blog!

It�s Birgit here. If you are a bit like me (real Gelli� plate addict) then you are always on the lookout for new (cheap) supplies to create texture on the Gelli Arts gel printing plate.

Recently I took a trip to the hardware store to see what I could find there and I got a pretty good score ??.

Here are some pictures showing the supplies I found.

I used the mini square Gelli Arts� plate and one of the new Gelli Arts acrylic paint sets (Bright Colors). Aren�t they just beautiful?

And here are the textures I created with them. All the squares are showing the texture of just one supply, but imagine what you can do combining the different supplies in one print!

Please watch the video to see how they are made. It would take too many pictures to show them all here ??.

Now, I live in a small village in The Netherlands and we only have a small hardware store. I�m sure if you go to your local hardware store and take some time to wander around and use your imagination, you will find many more fun supplies to use. I would love to hear what you found and what your favorites are, so please leave a comment!

Thank you for watching!

� 2018 by Gelli Arts�, LLC Philadelphia, PA
All rights reserved.
