Thursday, September 15, 2016

Gelli Arts� Printed Masks

Today I want to show you how you can create a complete �painting� using hand made stencils and masks on the Gelli� plate.

First you have to create a drawing of the image you want to print and you have to think carefully about the layers you want to create. I advise you to first try some easy prints to get the hang of the process as it involves some thinking to get it right. You could start with 3 or 4 layers and easy shapes before making it a bit more difficult.

In this print I worked with 4 layers. I drew a picture of tulips in a pot.
When your drawing is done you have to mark the separate shapes with numbers corresponding with the separate layers.
#1 for the top layer. These are the shapes that are not overlapped by anything else. They will appear closest to you in the final image.  Then #2 for the shapes that are only overlapped by #1, #3 for the shapes that are overlapped by #1 and #2 and so on. Make copies of your drawing for every layer, in this case 4.

From the first copy, cut out all the shapes marked with #1, from the second copy all the shapes marked with #2 and so on. You have to use a craft knife as you will need both the stencil and the mask to create your prints. Then place your original drawing underneath the clear gelli� plate.

Start with placing stencil #1 on top of the gelli� plate, lining it up with the drawing underneath.
Apply the first color, then remove the stencil.

Now line up the paper you want to print on exactly with the paper underneath the gelli� plate and pull the print.

Place stencil #1 back on the gelli� plate and repeat the previous steps until all the shapes of the first layer are done.

Once all the shapes of the first layer are printed you have to mask them with the parts you cut from the stencil. Use a repositionable adhesive to apply the masks to your print. Make sure the paint is dry before you do so.

Now it�s time to print the second layer. Place stencil #2 on the gelli� plate, apply the paint, remove the stencil and make the print on your masks paper. Again make sure you line up the paper exactly with the drawing underneath the gelli� plate.

Repeat all the steps for stencil #2 before you move on to layer #3. Mask both layer #1 and #2 before you start printing layer #3 and so on.

Repeat this process for all the layers.

If you like you can add texture to the different shapes too.

The very last layer will be your background and then the printing is done.

You can now leave it as it is and frame it, but of course you can also stamp, doodle, write and paint on top of your print as you can see in the examples below.

Finally I would like to show you some paintings from students who took my workshop to show how versatile this way of working can be. Even the most simple prints can be beautiful and real pieces of art.

I hope you enjoyed this process and got inspired! Thank you for stopping by and happy printing!

- Birgit


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PS: Please�share your prints with us on our Facebook page, or on Instagram using the hashtag #gelliprint #gelliarts and #gelliplate. Tag us with @gelliarts on Instagram and Twitter too! We love to see what you're creating!!

Remember, we now have Gelli� partners all over the world, so it's easier than ever to find a Gelli� retailer near you!
